Featured image for the VIP version of Simple Fun for Kids' Beach Donut Roll and Cover Games. At the top, there's VIP in white on top of a green banner above a hot pink banner with Roll and Cover in black. Below that, it says Beach Donut in red, orange, and yellow letters. There's a picture of a kid's hand playing the roll and cover game with a 10-sided die and manipulatives for covering the numbers. At the bottom is a Simple Fun for Kids VIP watermark above an orange banner with PDF written on it in white.
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Beach Donut Roll and Cover Games Printable

For a fun, engaging way for kindergarteners to practice number recognition this summer, try one of these no-prep Beach Donut Roll and Cover Games for a 6-sided or 10-sided dice. Cover the numbers or color them in with crayons or dot markers.

Featured image for the VIP version of the Digital Building Bricks Summer Challenge. At the top, there's a green banner with VIP Discount! in white on top of it. Underneath, it says Digital Building Bricks in black on a yellow background and Summer in rainbow colors. In the middle of the image, there's a laptop screen showing one slide from the build and count challenges. At the bottom, it says For Google Slides in white on a blue background.
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Digital Building Bricks Summer Build and Count Challenge

Ten fun and engaging EDITABLE summer-themed digital building brick challenges for Google Slides and Google Classroom. Students can practice skills such as copying & pasting, dragging & dropping, typing in text boxes, and counting in a super-engaging way.